Welcome to the web site of Saint Joseph Church in Denver, Colorado!
Please take a listen to our recordings, and a look at the latest photos, church news, monthly Holy Mass schedule, church bulletin, as well as Sunday School homework assignments.
We also opened a new separate site for the Polish School.

Mass Times
Day/Activity In Polish In English
Sunday 10:00am, 12:30pm 8:00am
Holy Days Of Obligation 7:00pm 8:00am
Tuesday   6:00pm
Wednesday  7:00pm 8:00am
Thursday   8:00am
Friday   8:00am
Saturday 6:30pm (Sunday Mass) 6:30pm (Sunday Mass)
First Friday of the Month

6 pm - Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, Adoration, Confessions

7 pm - Benediction, followed by Mass

7:30am - Confession

8:00am - Mass 

Confessions (Sacrament of Reconciliation) Half hour before each Mass; first Friday of each month at 6:00pm; other times during holidays and special occassions will be announced. Also, by phone appointment with the Pastor.
Rosary Half hour before Mass at 10:00am  
Lamentations/Gorzkie Żale We sing after Polish Mass, during Lent, before Easter (20 minutes)  
Stations of the Cross Fridays during Lent
7:00pm + Mass in Polish 6:00pm

All the other Mass times will be announced at church, in Church News, Monthly Holy Mass Schedule, as well as on the bulletin board inside the church.